Various enterprises and personal interests, such as Man-Machine Interaction (MMI), gesture studies, signs, language, social robotics, healthcare, innovation, music, publications, etc.

Tag: recognition

A hand gesture recognition system for replacing a mouse

A Computer Vision based hand gesture recognition system that replaces the mouse with simple hand movements. It’s done at the School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland.

Sometimes the future of gesture recognition can become clearer by examining an application that will definitely NOT hit the market running. Why on earth would anyone prefer to wave their hands in the air and click on empty space with their index finger instead of feeling a solid mouse underneath your hands? I just don’t get it. If it’s supposed to be a technology showcase, then okay, they managed to get something up and running, bravo!

I think that generally speaking, people are enthusiastic about human-computer interaction if it feels good , because it’s usable (effective, efficient, economic), pleasing to the senses, or in some other way beneficial to their concerns. I imagine that this virtual ‘mousing’ is none of the above. Maybe if they changed it to a pistol gesture, where you shoot with your thumb, it would get slightly better. But I would have to be able to launch a quick barrage of shots, say 4 or 5 per second, for this to be of any use in a first person shooter game. There’s a nice challenge for you, guys 🙂

Static Irish Sign Language Recognition System

This is a demo of hand segmentation, tracking and recognition to perform irish SL alphabets. It was done in School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland. produced by Tommy Coogan, George Awad, Jeff Han, & supervised by Dr. Alistair Sutherland

This is hardly sign language and it hardly qualifies as a gesture recognition system, but I still wanted to note this video down for future reference. I do see Jeff Han as one of co-producers and he previously made really nice ‘multi-touch gestures’ (here). Alistair Sutherland (here) is doing more interesting projects on gesture recognition as well, see below:

This kind of hand and face tracking is something that Jeroen Lichtenauer (here) spent a lot of time working on in our Elo project.

Teleoperation of a mobile robot using arm gestures

This is an oldie…

The video shows my application to control a mobile robot at distance using arm gestures. It was recorded in 2002 at Tec de Monterrey Campus Cuernavaca, MĂ©xico.

The system is composed by a Nomad Scout II robot with a cheap videocamera, and a Silicon Graphics computer R5000 with a webcam. Many features of the the system running can be seen on the computer’s monitor.

There are 3 main windows, the top-left window shows the images taken with the robot’s camera.
In the window on the right it can be seen the visual tracking of the right hand of the user.
On the blue window behind the other two shows the recognition results.

For gesture recognition we use dynamic naive Bayesian classifiers, a variant of hidden Markov models that considers a factored representation of the attributes or features that compose each observation. This representation requires less iterations of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm while keep competitive classification rates.

To characterize gestures we use posture and motion features, two sets of features not commonly combined for historical reasons :S
We have proved empirically that this kind of features are useful to recognize similar gestures.

More information of this work:

Dynamic Bayesian networks for visual recognition of dynamic gestures
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
H. Avilés and Enrique Sucar
Volume 12, Numbers 3-4 / 2002, 243 – 250 (link)

Visual recognition of gestures using dynamic naive Bayesian classifiers
Aviles-Arriaga, H.H.; Sucar, L.E.; Mendoza, C.E.; Vargas, B.
Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2003. Proceedings. ROMAN 2003. The 12th IEEE International Workshop on
Volume , Issue , 31 Oct.-2 Nov. 2003 Page(s): 133 – 138 (link)

Visual Recognition of Similar Gestures
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2006.
H.H. Aviles-Arriaga L.E. Sucar C.E. Mendoza (link)

Any suggestions and comments are welcome.

I am thinking about applying gesture (and speech) recognition to robots and here is an example of previous work. Unfortunately, the video is more or less totally uncomprehensible, so it’s not your fault if you can’t follow it… And the sound is dreadful, too. I wonder what happened to this piece of work, though.

Robosapien – Voice Control Demo

See a Robosapien robot respond to voice commands using Robosapien Dance Machine (Robodance); a free software program for Windows PC’s. (Requires an inexpensive infrared transmitter too and 512MB or more of RAM – see web site for details).

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