My profile on Researchgate.

Marc Steen, Jeroen Arendsen, Anita Cremers, Arnoud de Jong, Jacomien de Jong & Nicole de Koning (2013). Using interactive model simulations in co-design: An experiment in urban design. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts. Volume 9, Issue 1. (Purchase online at the publisher or… get one of the first 50 free online articles!)

Arendsen, J. & Mert, A. (2010). Robots that Care. Some beneficial effects of human-robot interaction in healthcare. CyberTherapy and Rehabilitation magazine, 3(3), p31.

Arendsen, J., S. Begeer, J.B. Janssen, & F.C. Stekelenburg (2010). The Use of Robots in Social Behavior Tutoring for Children with ASD. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ECCE 2010, Delft, The Netherlands. (ACM), p371-2.

Veerman, H.E.T., Schwering, P.B.W., Benoist, K.W., & Arendsen, J. (2010). Kennistransferproject MT.09066 Thermografische detectie van ingesloten holtes. Report TNO-DV 2010 C199 (confidential). TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, Den Haag.

Arendsen, J., J. Saldien, R. Looije, B. Vanderborght, M. Neerincx, & J. Broekens (2010). Robots That Care, Workshop Description. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ECCE 2010, Delft, The Netherlands. (ACM) (link pdf)

Arendsen, J., A.J. van Doorn, & H. de Ridder (2010). Acceptability of sign manipulations. Sign Language & Linguistics 13(2). pp. 101–155

Arendsen, J. (2010). De ergonomie van gebaren. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie, 35(1), p4-10. (linkmirror)

Looije, R., Smets, N.J.J.M., & Arendsen, J. (2009). Human Factors Issues with Military Unmanned Ground Vehicles. Report TNO-DV 2009 A634. TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, Soesterberg.

Rypkema, J.A., Arendsen, J., Buiel, E.F.T. (2009). Quickscan Human Factors Tunnels A73. Report TNO-DV 2009 C545 (confidential). TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, Soesterberg.

Arendsen, J., Vos, W.K., Houben, M.M.J., Arciszewski, H.F.R.Lindenberg, J. (2009). MMI recommendations on integrating Gatekeeper and anti-seasickness displays in the Holland Class Patrol Vessel. Report TNO-DV 2009 A629 C545 (confidential). TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, Soesterberg.

Vos, W.K., Vries, S.C. de, Arendsen, J., & Lindenberg, J. (2009). Design and evaluation of the graphical user interface for 360 degrees panoramic video on naval ships. Report TNO-DV 2009 A631 C545 (confidential). TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, Soesterberg.

Groenewegen, P.L.M., Janssen, J.B., & Arendsen, J. (2009). Style Guide Mens Machine Interface Interactieve Averijborden. Report TNO-DV 2009 A456 C545 (confidential). TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, Soesterberg.

Arendsen, J. (2009). Seeing Signs. On the appearance of manual movements in gestures Dissertation, Delft University of Technology. (PhD Thesis Defense: October 19, 2009, link)
TU Delft repository | WorldCat ISBN

Arendsen, J., A.J. van Doorn, & H. de Ridder (2009). When do people start to recognize signs? Gesture, 9(2), p207–236. (John Benjamins – IngentaConnect)

Holt, Gineke A. ten, Jeroen Arendsen, Huib de Ridder, Andrea J. Koenderink-van Doorn, Marcel J. T. Reinders, & Emile A. Hendriks. (2009). Sign Language Perception Research for Improving Automatic Sign Language Recognition. Paper presented at the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference 2009, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV. (link)

Arendsen, J. (2008) Garrick Mallery (1891). Greeting by gesture. Reviewed by Jeroen Arendsen, Gesture 8(3), p386–390 (link)

Arendsen, J., Lichtenauer J.F., Doorn, A.J. van, Ridder, H. de, Hendriks, Emile A., Spaai, Gerard W.G., Reinders, Marcel J.T., Ridder, Huib de (2008). Acceptability Ratings by Humans and Automatic Gesture Recognition for Variations in Sign Productions. Paper presented at the International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2008).

Lichtenauer, J. F., Holt, G. t., Hendriks, E. A., Reinders, M. J. T., Vanhoutte, A., Kamp, I., Arendsen, J., Doorn, A. J. v., Ridder, H. d., Wenners, E., Elzenaar, M., Spaai, G. W. G., Fortgens, C., & Bruins, M. (2008). A Learning Environment for Sign Language. Paper presented at the International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2008), Amsterdam.

Spaai, G.W.G., C. Fortgens, M. Elzenaar, E. Wenners, J. Lichtenauer, E. Hendriks, H. de Ridder, J. Arendsen, G. ten Holt (2008). Een computerprogramma voor het leren van actieve en passieve gebarenschat aan ernstig slechthorende en dove kinderen. Logopedie en Foniatrie, 80(2), February 2008.

Arendsen, J. (2008). The acceptability of sign manipulations. MPI Nijmegen. Invited Lecture. (abstract online)

Arendsen, J., A.J. van Doorn, & H. de Ridder (2007). When and how well do people see the onset of gestures? Gesture, 7(3), p305–342 (online at the publisher)

Arendsen, J. (2007). When does sign recognition start? Workshop on Visual Prosody in Language Communication. Nijmegen: MPI Nijmegen. Invited Lecture. (abstract online)

Arendsen, J. (2006). Perceptie van gebaren: detecteren dat er een gebaar is begonnen. Workshop ‘Een Mooi Gebaar’, Delft, The Netherlands, oral presentation.

Arendsen, J. J. Lichtenauer, G. ten Holt, E. Hendriks, H. de Ridder. (2006). NOGRIP – Non-Obtrusive Gesture Recognition for Intuitive Performance. ICT Kenniscongres (Amsterdam RAI). Postersession and demonstration. (link)

Arendsen, J. (2006). Gesture Recognition. PhD day (Delft), oral presentation

Arendsen, J. (2006). ‘The First Signs of a Sign’. Workshop Gebaerdensprache (RWTH Aachen), oral presentation

Arendsen, J. (2005). Sign Language Perception: Detecting the Beginning of a Sign. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, June, 2005. Invited lecture in Gesture lectures series.

Arendsen, J. (2005). Sign Language Perception: Detecting a Sign. The 20th Int. Congres on the Education of the Deaf, 17-20 July 2005. Poster presentation, abstract in ICED proceedings.

Arendsen, J. (2004). Gestures and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction. 4th Ph.D.-day for Doctoral Students in Industrial Design Engineering, June 25, 2004. Poster Presentation

Arendsen, J., Lichtenauer, J.L. (2004). Non Obtrusive Gesture Recognition. First annual meeting of the ICT Delft Centre, May 26 2004, ICT, the Human Dimension. Demonstration and Poster Presentation

Arendsen, J., Lichtenauer, J.L. Ridder, H. de, Hendriks, E.A., Spaai, G. (2004). Sign language recognition in a multimedia tutor for deaf children (age 3-5) to practise SLN vocabulary at home. Gebärden-Workshop 2004, RWTH Aachen, October 29, 2004 (site). Oral Presentation.

Arendsen, J. (2004). Perception of Sign Language. From Stimulus to Understanding in Language and Perception. 1st NWO Cognition Summer school,18-20 October 2004, Doorwerth, the Netherlands. Poster Presentation.

Arendsen, Jeroen, Gerritse-van Bavel, Cornelia J. (2001). Electronic call assistants with shared database. Patent published as WO0150720 (A1), US7212619 (B1), EP1247392 (A0), NL1014528C (C2) (link)

Arendsen, Jeroen (1994-1995). 25 Artikelen voor de Delta als part-time verslaggever. (link)

News & Media:


Sep 16. Dutch National Radio. Radio 2, Knooppunt Kranenborg. About the future of robots in healthcare. (link)
Aug. Dutch National Radio. Radio 3, Giel in de morgen. About our workshop ‘Robots that Care.
Also in Trouw, de Volkskrant, Computable, TNO, TU, en vele andere copy cats.


Several items regarding my PhD Defense in national newsmedia.

12 oktober 2009, Kennislink. Gebarentaal leren van de computer (link)

Delta, 28-09-2006, Maaike Muller. Gebarencomputer studeert bij Elektro (link)

Delft Integraal, 2006(3),