Judith Holler & Katie Wilkin:
Gesture use on common ground
Her page.

Thank god, she starts off by stating that the grand theories about why we gesture are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Hear, hear!

Nice explanation about common ground. What is it and how do people build up common ground between them. And how people adjust their speech as they share more or less common ground. E.g. experts versus novices amongst each other. Nice reference to the 2004 Gerwing and Bavelas study.

Common ground versus non-common ground conditions. Surspirsingly, participants did not show a reduced gesture rate when they shared common ground, which was what Holler expected. Also, gesture did not become smaller or less informative. It stayed rather large and informative. This was perhaps because they were grounding the conversation, they would keep much information in gestures so the speech could become more ‘elliptical’ (?)