Various enterprises and personal interests, such as Man-Machine Interaction (MMI), gesture studies, signs, language, social robotics, healthcare, innovation, music, publications, etc.

Tag: tracking

Wirelesss Teleoperation and Visual Telepresence

A major issue in the teleoperation of robots (e.g. UGVs) is the idea that teleoperation can be made easier by creating telepresence. Telepresence is not a thing that is limited to teleoperation, and the term appears to originate from work on teleconferencing. Below is an illustrative video about telepresence. Further down are a few more vids that provide an impression of the sort of camera images an operator has at his or her disposal for teleoperation of a robot.

POC: Kyle D. Fawcett,

Telepresence technologies use interfaces and sensory input to mimic interaction with a remote environment to trick your brain into thinking you’re actually in the remote environment. Visual telepresence tricks your eyes into thinking they’ve been transported into a remote environment. This unlocks the brains natural spatial mapping abilities and thus enhances operation of closed cockpit armored vehicles and teleoperation of unmanned vehicles. The MITRE Immersive Vision system is a highly responsive head aimed vision system used for visual telepresence. Videos of MIVS experiments show the effectiveness of the system for robot teleoperation and virtually see-through cockpits in armored vehicles.

Static Irish Sign Language Recognition System

This is a demo of hand segmentation, tracking and recognition to perform irish SL alphabets. It was done in School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland. produced by Tommy Coogan, George Awad, Jeff Han, & supervised by Dr. Alistair Sutherland

This is hardly sign language and it hardly qualifies as a gesture recognition system, but I still wanted to note this video down for future reference. I do see Jeff Han as one of co-producers and he previously made really nice ‘multi-touch gestures’ (here). Alistair Sutherland (here) is doing more interesting projects on gesture recognition as well, see below:

This kind of hand and face tracking is something that Jeroen Lichtenauer (here) spent a lot of time working on in our Elo project.

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