Various enterprises and personal interests, such as Man-Machine Interaction (MMI), gesture studies, signs, language, social robotics, healthcare, innovation, music, publications, etc.

Tag: robot entertainment

Jubilations with Mr. DJ

In celebration of getting a new job at TNO, with great opportunities to do all sorts of interesting stuff with gesture recognition and robots!

Also, a merry X-mas and a happy new year to you all too! Thanks for the tip to Björnd, my brother, he owns one of these lovely old robots, called Mr. DJ (created by Tomy in the eighties).

Robot competitions

Here are a few examples of robot competitions that are quite entertaining:

The ROBO ONE competition is ‘biped robot entertainment’ (official site). It highlights agility, balance and motion. They are remote controlled but to some extent, in the microcontrol of the movement, autonomous.

12th KondoCup Robot Soccer competition (Source: Robots Dreams). These robots also feature in the ROBO ONE competition.

The Micromouse competition: speed, accuracy, search algorithms, navigation. They get a first run to explore the maze and then ‘speed runs’ to set their best time for the fastest route they found.

Titan, or Cyberstein, the entertainer

Check out this performance from today’s ultimate robot entertainer, Cyberstein:

Apparently, you can book him for a party. Or you can visit him entertaining the crowds at the Millennium Dome and some other venues.

The robot uncovered

The ‘real’ Wall-E

Disney made a toy robot after the animated movie star. Spot the differences!

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