Learning of my interest in Mudras, colleague JM, who is also a yoga teacher, lent me his Mudra Werkboek by Gertrud Hirschi, a swiss yoga teacher (a 1999 Dutch translation of: Mudras – Yoga mit dem kleinen Finger, 1998). Hirschi published a new Mudras book in 2006, which I guess is an update.
The most intruiging bit of the book is on page 199, which shows how you can create your own mudra:
- Study the book and the energies of your hand
- Show respect!
- Study the characteristics of each finger and choose the posture that fits [the selected bits?]
- Formulate the goal of the mudra in positive terms [i.e. I have a smooth leg]
- Speak the sentence loud and slow thrice with a breath each
- Picture the outcome
- Try feeling the result
- Dedicate your mudra to a divine power or deity of your choice
- Wish the outcome with all your heart, but remain patient and trusting
Does this sound a bit like creating your own magic spell? Well it wouldn’t be the first time magic and yoga are considered twins. Anyway, I have yet to try it out. The energies of my hands still baffle me. Some serious contemplation is in order, methinks.
era uma vez uma jovem que tinha um sonho de ser modelo,mas algumas pessoas que ela conhecia colocou olhares negativos no sonho dela daí em diante ela não quiz ser mais modelo