It is thoroughly depressing that the man who is himself the most notorious finger giver on Earth is also a high profile receiver of the same insult. Yet another first place for the planet’s most hated, powerful, unbelievable executive manager; self-styled commander in chief of the armies of the West; the captain that laughs in the face of the dark hordes from the East: President George W. Bush.

Ricky Martin is now making headlines (VivirLatino, BBC, ABC, and countless copies) defending his action of giving the finger as he sang about Bush in a song in front of a big audience. Careful, Ricky, I can recall a bus driver getting fired over insulting the B that would be Big.

Latin Lover or Hero of Peace? (source)

Mr. Martin explains that he is against war, that Bush is making (or actually promulgating) war, and should therefore be condemned.

Well I guess that’s another way to interpret the gesture: Instead of saying “fuck off” or “go fuck yourself” Ricky Martin uses it to say “I condemn your behavior”. But I guess anyone who feels wordy enough to say ‘promulgate’ to the US masses, can get away with stretching the meaning of a gesture a bit. Funny, nobody seems to be hosting a picture or a video of the event. Anyone?